Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 9 – Waiting for the Harvest

1 Corinthians 3:6-7 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

It seems that it just have been a few days since you have decided to join a short term mission. The triumphs and setbacks, the joys and the fears seems to be just a memory. It seems that what you have done in the mission field is not enough.

However, you should be encouraged. God has faithfully shown you that a normal person can have enough faith to reach the lost. That same God will show you that what you have sown in faith, will provide a great impact in the country that you ministered in. We cannot see it now but what we have done will help future leaders rise up and and then continue on the work that we started. The Apostle Paul could not have reached the Gentiles had not for the short but relevant ministry of Ananias.
This is what Yrose hopes for her ministry in China. Although the country and its culture are vastly different from the Philippines that she knew, she still managed to accomplish her short term. Even with the hostility for Christian missionaries in the country, her team was still able to minister to the student and help the beleaguered church.

Yrose was able to make some local friends in the short time that she was in the country. It was unfortunate that she is unable to reach them from home but she hopes that they would continue their walk with Christ. She trusts the future waves of short term missionaries would able to reach the hearts of the China's youth.

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